Emma Poeradiredja, Tokoh Sumpah Pemuda Penyaksi Tiga Zaman

Emma Poeradiredja diantara keluarga besarnya di Bandung. P erempuan adalah darah dan nyawa sebuah peradaban bukanlah hal yang berlebihan. Adalah Emma Poeradiredja sosok wanoja asal Tanah Pasundan yang turut menjadi pelaku dan saksi berdirinya republik Indonesia dalam tiga babakan zaman ; revolusi, rezim Sukarno, hingga Suharto. Lahir dan besar dalam keluarga priyayi tidak serta merta menjadikannya sosok manja dan menerima segala keistimewaan kelas menengah feodal di zamannya. Sebagai salah editor Balai Pustaka dan Redaktur Kepala untuk bahasa Sunda pada Pustaka Rakyat, sang ayah Raden Kardata Poeradiredja dengan istri  Nyi Raden Siti Djariah  membesarkan Emma beserta saudaranya dalam lingkungan yang memprioritaskan pendidikan. Tak heran saudara Emma seperti Haley Koesna Poerairedja menyabet Community Leader dari The Ramon Magsaysay Award tahun 1962. Adil Poeradiredja saudara lainnya menjadi politikus dan Perdana Menteri Negara Pasundan pro-republiken. Sedari remaja Emma ...

In The Quest of Democracy

The demos and cratos are two essential words for the essence of democracy. In arbitrary signifiers, it can mean the freedom of speech as governance rules based on people's voices, in every level policy to serves and established citizens' rights and held clean governance. The superstructures rules based on what its citizens want. Whether economic, political, socially, cultural, law, and various terms of rights in equal ways.

But often, what we heard fact in the real-world not as simple as the etymologically means. The grassroots, peoples, citizen's rights are sometimes neglected. There's a way to obtain the needs of higher policymakers. Protest as one of democracy channels in the modern age is a common thing. Ideally, it's unnecessarily to held protest directly on the street and gains masses sympathy if the citizen's representatives succeeded in rolling their missions at the parliaments; therefore, the horizontal conflict between the groups and state apparatus can be avoided.

I've witnessed how these masses confront local authority. We've been told by the media how disadvantages of getting trapped in chaotic circumstances. These pictures sequences are not propaganda to black campaigning any side. Within these images I've been witnessed of moral the story for whoever we are, you are, whether peoples or citizens as part of nations and authorities as the watchdog guardians to keep countries runs in securely, is to keep the modern and respectful ways of dialog in case of applicating democracy. Protest means doesn't necessarily destroy and legalized chaos. To protect and to serves doesn't mean to abuse power from the rights of citizens. We are part of questioning democracy.

Photo and words by Aokhi.
