Emma Poeradiredja, Tokoh Sumpah Pemuda Penyaksi Tiga Zaman

Emma Poeradiredja diantara keluarga besarnya di Bandung. P erempuan adalah darah dan nyawa sebuah peradaban bukanlah hal yang berlebihan. Adalah Emma Poeradiredja sosok wanoja asal Tanah Pasundan yang turut menjadi pelaku dan saksi berdirinya republik Indonesia dalam tiga babakan zaman ; revolusi, rezim Sukarno, hingga Suharto. Lahir dan besar dalam keluarga priyayi tidak serta merta menjadikannya sosok manja dan menerima segala keistimewaan kelas menengah feodal di zamannya. Sebagai salah editor Balai Pustaka dan Redaktur Kepala untuk bahasa Sunda pada Pustaka Rakyat, sang ayah Raden Kardata Poeradiredja dengan istri  Nyi Raden Siti Djariah  membesarkan Emma beserta saudaranya dalam lingkungan yang memprioritaskan pendidikan. Tak heran saudara Emma seperti Haley Koesna Poerairedja menyabet Community Leader dari The Ramon Magsaysay Award tahun 1962. Adil Poeradiredja saudara lainnya menjadi politikus dan Perdana Menteri Negara Pasundan pro-republiken. Sedari remaja Emma ...

Govern The Market

In daily routines along this street, we can only saw traffic lines or circular in-out of vehicles. It's not weird due to the place roles as Bandung's main road as an entrance gate from Capital Jakarta and beyond. Along this Suci or P.H. Hasan Mustafa road, we can see something different from usual in main street activities. Rather than getting jammed at traffic from Monday-to-Saturday and office hours of an employee from Saturday midnight, there are other roles of function from this public space/road. The place turns into Sunday Shock Market.

This habitant starts after the monetary crisis occurs in Asia that impact Indonesia in the late 90s. The image has shown a portrait of photojournalism and documentaries style in capturing daily activity in one short amount of time around Sunday Shock Market of Gedung Sate (Satay Building). The building is the West Java province governor's office runs as the people's region's authority. This socio-economical-cultural phenomenon rarely occurs when the Governor's office and the iconic places turn into giant public Sunday shocked market as traditional market place as its come. Gedung Sate (Satay Building) is a place where peoples govern the market.

Photo and texts by Aokhi.
