Emma Poeradiredja, Tokoh Sumpah Pemuda Penyaksi Tiga Zaman

Emma Poeradiredja diantara keluarga besarnya di Bandung. P erempuan adalah darah dan nyawa sebuah peradaban bukanlah hal yang berlebihan. Adalah Emma Poeradiredja sosok wanoja asal Tanah Pasundan yang turut menjadi pelaku dan saksi berdirinya republik Indonesia dalam tiga babakan zaman ; revolusi, rezim Sukarno, hingga Suharto. Lahir dan besar dalam keluarga priyayi tidak serta merta menjadikannya sosok manja dan menerima segala keistimewaan kelas menengah feodal di zamannya. Sebagai salah editor Balai Pustaka dan Redaktur Kepala untuk bahasa Sunda pada Pustaka Rakyat, sang ayah Raden Kardata Poeradiredja dengan istri  Nyi Raden Siti Djariah  membesarkan Emma beserta saudaranya dalam lingkungan yang memprioritaskan pendidikan. Tak heran saudara Emma seperti Haley Koesna Poerairedja menyabet Community Leader dari The Ramon Magsaysay Award tahun 1962. Adil Poeradiredja saudara lainnya menjadi politikus dan Perdana Menteri Negara Pasundan pro-republiken. Sedari remaja Emma ...

200th Years of Parijs van Sunda

Mega-Iqbal with love, forever, never end! Yes, a manifestation of graffiti sign pledges of a couple stuck on bridge concrete steel of Pasupati, which connecting Pasteur main road (Dr. Junjunan area) with Surapati road. This phenomenon is just one of the hundreds, maybe thousands of graffiti on the new icon of Bandung that extends above the valley Cikapundung, with a length of 2.8 kilometers and width of 30 to 60 meters. Social phenomena in prohibited public space can be a marker of not unaccommodated society's aspirations in the official media nor channels.

A lot of living space extends both above and below the bridge built on this foreign aid. At night, usually for the couple in heavy romance, they used a motorcycle or vehicle then parked right amid the bridge just for free 'night eyewash.' However, they are often deliberately dangerous vehicles parked right in the middle lane bridge back and forth between cars. The threat does come from the riders but motorcycle gang often becomes another threat when midnight arrives. If in its tragic moments, it usually occurs robbery, mugging, and murder.

The new iconic bridge of this Bandungnese is also a bitter witness for the pedestrian hit-run victim or the driver. Desperate persons also take their part to committed suicide and also occurred here. Just below the bridge, we could see a variety of life lessons: there is a pedicab driver with a steering wheel paddle for survival, illegal parking fields, the garbage collectors, the bluesy transgender singers in the daytime, tanjidor monkeys (beggar with a traditional instrument as a medium to gather pennies from drivers compassion) in the hot sun, a medium for murals artists, vandals, and criminal action, hawkers who fight with clouds of carbon monoxide, and various other stories.

Bridge construction of Pasupati Bandung adopted a cable-stayed model, namely the bridge model that relies on steel wires hung from one or several main pillars. Besides providing aesthetic value, this construction is considered a compromise solution to minimize land acquisition in dense settlements under the bridge. Another bridge with cable-stayed construction is The Millau Viaduct in France, the world's highest bridge.

At first glance, this new icon provides fresh views in the middle of density residential and messes urban governance development with contaminated watersheds. Although trapped between the irony, though, there is still love signage like 'Mega-Iqbal with love, forever never end!' who pinned their graffiti. Public space graffitied it's more than a personal statement; moreover, it's the cultural symptoms of a particular area upon a time and sphere.

The signified of watersheds under the Pasupati's bridge with concentrated colored water, super tight shelter and home, storefront mall, hotels, and other urban socio-visual-signages become markers and signifiers 200th years the Bandung city. From Bandung with love (and irony).

Photo and words by Aokhi.
