Emma Poeradiredja, Tokoh Sumpah Pemuda Penyaksi Tiga Zaman

Emma Poeradiredja diantara keluarga besarnya di Bandung. P erempuan adalah darah dan nyawa sebuah peradaban bukanlah hal yang berlebihan. Adalah Emma Poeradiredja sosok wanoja asal Tanah Pasundan yang turut menjadi pelaku dan saksi berdirinya republik Indonesia dalam tiga babakan zaman ; revolusi, rezim Sukarno, hingga Suharto. Lahir dan besar dalam keluarga priyayi tidak serta merta menjadikannya sosok manja dan menerima segala keistimewaan kelas menengah feodal di zamannya. Sebagai salah editor Balai Pustaka dan Redaktur Kepala untuk bahasa Sunda pada Pustaka Rakyat, sang ayah Raden Kardata Poeradiredja dengan istri  Nyi Raden Siti Djariah  membesarkan Emma beserta saudaranya dalam lingkungan yang memprioritaskan pendidikan. Tak heran saudara Emma seperti Haley Koesna Poerairedja menyabet Community Leader dari The Ramon Magsaysay Award tahun 1962. Adil Poeradiredja saudara lainnya menjadi politikus dan Perdana Menteri Negara Pasundan pro-republiken. Sedari remaja Emma ...

So, whats the probs?

T he protest is an embodiment part of democracy. But the ways we are channeling our voices must have a productive way instead of complaining about livid turmoil veins and blockage the main streets where people do has their own rights in equal living. 

Several days before, I've had watched the same typical contest broadcasted live on national television. But differently with this controversial beauty pageant, they had a versus forms as usual contests that had hosted outside a to-be-claimed-majority-monotheist based country. 

In my personal opinion, this is a productive way to shows up any disagreements with particular contests that ever exist. In subsequently, anyone can modify the beauty contest that suits their cultures and their own society beliefs verses. Implicitly it shows pride of sovereignty, as well as cultural acts, must be fought with egalitarian battles.  

Shutting down regular contests that against group or sectarians beliefs amongst society will bring farther the company sinks into collateral damage of democracy itself. Indonesia's will be back to the previous decades when ruled by despots whose forcibly imposing their political will. 
