Emma Poeradiredja, Tokoh Sumpah Pemuda Penyaksi Tiga Zaman

Emma Poeradiredja diantara keluarga besarnya di Bandung. P erempuan adalah darah dan nyawa sebuah peradaban bukanlah hal yang berlebihan. Adalah Emma Poeradiredja sosok wanoja asal Tanah Pasundan yang turut menjadi pelaku dan saksi berdirinya republik Indonesia dalam tiga babakan zaman ; revolusi, rezim Sukarno, hingga Suharto. Lahir dan besar dalam keluarga priyayi tidak serta merta menjadikannya sosok manja dan menerima segala keistimewaan kelas menengah feodal di zamannya. Sebagai salah editor Balai Pustaka dan Redaktur Kepala untuk bahasa Sunda pada Pustaka Rakyat, sang ayah Raden Kardata Poeradiredja dengan istri  Nyi Raden Siti Djariah  membesarkan Emma beserta saudaranya dalam lingkungan yang memprioritaskan pendidikan. Tak heran saudara Emma seperti Haley Koesna Poerairedja menyabet Community Leader dari The Ramon Magsaysay Award tahun 1962. Adil Poeradiredja saudara lainnya menjadi politikus dan Perdana Menteri Negara Pasundan pro-republiken. Sedari remaja Emma ...

Spreading The Harmonious Hatred Ceremony: Infamy

Suffering in my age, and I feel the loneliness

you drives me to sickness, and killed me by your pain

just see me in your faith, and I will be your nightmare

waking you up slowly, in my fucking revenge*

-Silent farewell, 3rd track, Infamy-Hatremonial, 2011.


It's been long and awaited albums from one of this leading metal legions in Bandung. Hailing 1st January, in 16th years of striving journeys, Infamy banned to die and compromise with their second harmonious metal albums entitled 'Hatremonial'. "Derived from two words, 'hatred and 'ceremony'," said Agus Solihin, drummers replied Jason Hutagalung's question to Aji Setia Nugraha (guitarist and co-founder) about the definitive words of the albums before heading their anniversary held in Puncrut, North Bandung, late January ago.

At the first rumors among the scenesters, this now releases albums will be produced and distributes through Indonesian origin-Australian citizen, Jason Hutagalung from Xenophobic Worldwide Records. Agus, which also the drummers for Hydro (brutal death metal) and Haze (Blackened  death metal) stated, "Yayat Ahdiat as the engineer for 'Silent farewell" demos was the first guy whose introduced us to him, at the ends he had the interest to produce the full-length albums under his new records company.”

Patiently, Aji, Andri Maryana (vocals), Aulia Akbar (bassist), and Agus in nearly for two years of awaiting then decide hardly to releases the Hatremonial through JetFire Records and distribute throughout Indonesian local scenes by Demajors Independent Music Industry (DIMI), whilst the digital content available through worldwide records and stores such as iTunes, Amazon, and et cetera handled by Xenophobic in official releases dated August 3rd, 2010.

The processes of these 12th songs recorded in Masterplan Studio by Toteng from Forgotten (Bandung's death metal bands which will release their upcoming albums, veterans guitarist), assisted by Robi and Roni. While mixed and mastering by Aidan Barton at Sovereign Records, West Australia and grunge-rusted-skull artwork artists compiled by Jali Narchos.

This releases complete their predecessor international debuts with 34 bands involved across Indonesia, Denmark, and based Australia's metal artists under Sovereign Studio Sampler Volume II by Aidan whose also the founding member of Pathogen, Aussies metal act veterans and nominated for several awards including Best Record Producer/Engineer at the 2005 WAMI Awards and Best Sound Designer at the 2005 FTI Film Awards.

Thoughts in major writings and riffing of Ajie blended with various drums blasting from Agus, Aulia's raw picked basses in 'Konspirasi', Ady Gembel as guess musicians vocals in 'Rekayasa genetika" plus E-one Chronik sampling on "Bitter of dead", and Andri's metaldear screams nor growls will drag down listeners onto Infamy's heavy distortion and Ivan Scumbag Firmansyah legacy.

Hatremonial is the extended projections of hate.

Hell yeah!

